Do It Yourself How To

How To Build a Patio Dinner Table Step by Step

Building a charming outdoor table can be a great DIY project for those who enjoy woodworking, as it not only allows you to showcase your creativity and craftsmanship, but also provides a functional and aesthetically pleasing addition to your backyard or patio space, where you can host intimate gatherings, share meals with family and friends, or simply relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Building an outdoor patio table requires careful consideration of the wood’s durability and resistance to weathering, it’s important to choose high-quality wood, treat it properly with sealant or stain, and use strong joints and hardware to assemble the table.

Today we will be Building a 2-meter wide, 8-meter long, and 2-meter-high patio table made of Meranti hardwood.To begin, you’ll need to gather all the necessary tools and materials, by following these steps, you can create a beautiful and functional table that will add rustic charm to the outdoor area of your home.


  • 16 Meranti hardwood boards (2m x 0.2m x 0.05m)
  • 8 Meranti hardwood boards (8m x 0.2m x 0.05m)
  • 4 wooden legs (2m x 0.1m x 0.1m)
  • Stainless steel screws
  • Wood glue
  • Sandpaper
  • Outdoor varnish or sealant


  • Measuring Tape
  • Circular saw or handsaw
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver
  • Clamps
  • Sanding block or electric sander
  • Paintbrush (if using varnish or sealant)

Step 1: Cut the Boards

Using a measuring tape, mark and cut the 16 2-meter-long Meranti boards into 4 equal lengths of 0.5 meters each. These will be used as the table’s tabletop planks.

Then, cut the eight 8-meter-long Meranti boards in half to make sixteen 4-meter-long pieces. These will be used to create the table’s frame. Lastly, cut the four wooden legs to 2 meters in length.

Step 2: Create the Tabletop

Lay the four tabletop planks side by side on a flat surface. Use wood glue to attach them together. Clamp the planks tightly and leave to dry for several hours.

Step 3: Create the Table Frame

Place the sixteen 4-meter-long pieces of Meranti in a rectangular shape. Attach the corners with screws and wood glue.

To make the joints stronger, drill pilot holes before attaching the screws. Use the measuring tape to ensure that the rectangle’s dimensions are 2 meters wide by 8 meters long.

Step 4: Attach the Tabletop to the Frame

Place the tabletop on top of the table frame. Use stainless steel screws and wood glue to attach the tabletop to the frame. Again, drill pilot holes to make the joints stronger.

Step 5: Attach the Legs

Flip the table over and attach the legs to the corners of the frame. Use stainless steel screws and wood glue to secure them in place. Again, drill pilot holes to make the joints stronger.

Step 6: Sand and Finish the Table

Use sandpaper or an electric sander to smooth out any rough edges and surfaces. Apply an outdoor varnish or sealant to protect the table from the elements. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying times.

Your 2-meter wide, 8-meter long, and 2-meter high Meranti hardwood patio dinner table is now complete and ready to use with friends and family😉

For those who appreciate the beauty and value of handmade furniture, building a patio table from scratch can be a fulfilling and rewarding endeavour. The satisfaction of seeing your creation come to life and enhance your outdoor space is worth the effort and dedication put into every stage of the building process.

All the tools and materials used in this article are available instore from Build it Hermanus, for building materials, do-it-yourself home improvement tools, and expert advice.

Please send us a photo of your completed creation, we would love to see it, you can upload your images in the comments section!

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Build it Gansbaai/Hermanus offers added value services in respect of hardware retailing; embracing all activity within the building materials industry, focusing specifically on the building of; urban, township, rural housing as well as all home improvements and do it yourself.


Five Ways To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

Winter is a time of year that many people look forward to, with its crisp air and cozy nights spent indoors. However, as the temperature drops, it’s important to ensure that your home stays warm and comfortable, especially during the coldest months of the season. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep your home warm and toasty without breaking the bank or running up your energy bills.

In this article, we’ll explore five effective strategies for keeping your home warm this winter, from simple steps like adding area rugs and using hot water bottles to more involved projects like insulating your windows and doors or reversing your ceiling fans.
By following these tips and taking a proactive approach to staying warm this winter, you can ensure that you and your loved ones stay comfortable and cosy no matter how low the temperature drops outside.

Insulate your windows and doors:

During the colder months, it is essential to ensure that your home is well insulated in order to keep warm air inside and prevent cold drafts from entering. One effective way to achieve this is by adding insulation to your windows and doors. By utilizing materials such as weatherstripping, caulk, or draft stoppers, you can effectively seal any gaps or cracks that may exist in these areas, which can lead to significant heat loss and increased energy consumption.
By taking the time to properly insulate your windows and doors, you can enjoy a more comfortable living space and potentially save money on your energy bills in the long run.

Use heavy curtains:

When the temperature drops, it’s important to take measures to keep your home warm. One effective way to achieve this is by using heavy curtains. These curtains are designed to provide additional insulation and can help to prevent cold air from seeping in while retaining warmth in the room. They are made from thick, dense materials that can trap heat and prevent it from escaping, which can ultimately lead to a reduction in your energy bills.

Additionally, you may consider using a double-layered curtain system for even better insulation. By layering two sets of curtains, you can create an additional barrier against the cold air, further reducing heat loss and keeping your home comfortable all winter long.

Reverse your ceiling fans:

If you’re looking for an easy and effective way to keep your home warm and comfortable during the winter season, consider reversing your ceiling fans. Most ceiling fans come equipped with a switch that allows you to change the direction of the blades, and by reversing them so that they rotate clockwise, you can help to distribute warm air evenly throughout your room. This is particularly helpful in rooms with high ceilings, where warm air tends to rise and accumulate near the ceiling, leaving the rest of the room feeling chilly.

By reversing your ceiling fans, you can help to push this warm air down to where it’s needed, creating a more comfortable and inviting atmosphere throughout your home.

In addition, reversing your ceiling fans can also help you save money on your energy bills by reducing the amount of energy needed to heat your home.

Add area rugs to your floors:

When it comes to keeping your home warm and comfortable during the colder months of the year, there are many different strategies you can use. One effective way to insulate your home and keep your feet warm is by adding area rugs to your floors.

If you have hard flooring such as tile or hardwood, these surfaces can feel cold and uninviting underfoot, especially during the winter season.
By adding rugs to your floors, you can help to trap heat and prevent it from escaping through the floor, which can make a significant difference in how warm your home feels.

Not only do rugs help to insulate your floors, but they can also add a cozy touch to your decor and help to create a more inviting atmosphere throughout your home.

Whether you opt for a plush shag rug or a colourful area rug that compliments your existing decor, adding rugs to your floors is an easy and effective way to stay warm and comfortable during the winter season. So why not give it a try and see how much of a difference it can make in your comfort level this winter season?

Use a hot water bottle:

One simple and inexpensive way to help combat the cold is by using a hot water bottle. These handy devices are a popular choice for many people during the colder months because they provide a steady source of warmth that can help to keep you comfortable and relaxed.

Simply fill it up with hot water and place it under your blankets or on your lap while you’re sitting on the couch or reading a book, you can also use them to warm up your bed before you go to sleep.

Not only are hot water bottles an effective way to stay warm, but they can also be a comforting and soothing presence on chilly evenings.
For more information on how to keep your home warm this winter, ask our friendly salespeople for additional ideas that won’t break the bank! Build it Hermanus, for building materials, do-it-yourself home improvement tools, and expert advice.

Follow us on social media, to stay up to date with our latest sizzling specials and promotional offers!

Build it Gansbaai/Hermanus offers added value services in respect of hardware retailing; embracing all activity within the building materials industry, focusing specifically on the building of; urban, township, rural housing as well as all home improvements and do it yourself.